Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Discovery of Witches


I have had my eye on A Discovery of Witches, by Deborah Harkness for a while. I saw it in Chapters just before my Church Campmeeting in July, but didn't get it because it didn't seem like a particularly good book for a church camp. Later, in August, I saw it while perusing the books at Value Village, and snagged it. It then set on my shelf of books I have yet to read until midway through September. I picked it up, and got about a third of the way through fairly quickly. Then it sat on my bedside table for a few weeks. It isn't that I lost interest and started to read something else, I just wasn't really reading much. 

This book came to work with me on nights, but never left my bag. I was either busy, or my eyes just couldn't focus on a book at 0230. This book also had the unfortunate disadvantage of coming to me just as I discovered the joys of Netflix. 

Then I started to read again. Over the course of October I read this book, and it's sequel, Shadow of Night. 

I found A Discovery of Witches to be a well written, and quite a well thought out book. It brings a large number of well known (and most likely a fair number of not so well known, who I didn't recognize) people into the story line which certainly adds a level of interest. I am not typically one for vampires, but having the immortal element is a nice way to show history to the reader

At first glance, this is a book about witches, vampires, and demons, but one doesn't have to look very hard in order to become enthralled in the politics in the natural world, the supernatural world, and the interactions between the two.

I also enjoyed the science/ scholarly aspect being brought into the story. The two main characters both work at a university studying and teaching, one alchemy, and the other genetics. This brings about a deeper aspect to the storyline than I expected from this book when I first picked it up.

This is book one of the All Souls Trilogy, two of which are out and I have read. I don't know when the third will be out, but I am looking forward to reading it. It is nice to have series, and a book to look forward to, instead of finding them all once they are all out. I think that the anticipation will make the third book even better.